About School House

School House is co-led by a live-in Residential Education professional staff member and a House Professor who lives nearby. In addition, the School House leadership team consists of four Resident Fellows and a team of Undergraduate Advisors (UGAs). An administrative assistant is also a part of the House team and student leadership opportunities exist through the House Executive Council.

Housing information

Hitchcock, North Mass, Mid Mass and South Mass, the residence halls that make up School House, have singles, one room doubles with full bathrooms, two room doubles, two room triples (those in Mid Mass have full bathrooms) and a few quads (two room and three room - both types with full bathrooms).

First-year students who are School House members will live on a first-year floor or first-year building with other members of their House Community.

What Type of Room Can I Expect?: Seniors in School House are typically in singles and two room doubles, juniors in two room doubles and two room triples and sophomores in one room doubles and two room triples. The few quads have gone to groups of both sophomores and juniors in the past.

Gender Inclusive Housing/Single Sex Housing: All rooms in School House may be multi-gender. All rooms in Mid Mass have full, private bathrooms and Hitchcock has single-use bathrooms on each floor. There are two bathrooms on each floor in North and South Mass; the larger bathroom on each floor is gender specific, and the single-use bathroom is gender inclusive.

Substance-Free Housing: The 4th floor of North Mass and Hitchcock are the substance-free housing options in School House. We cannot guarantee sub-free housing, but do our best to accommodate all requests.


Find the floorplans below.

We are located on Mass Row.